For parishes of the Archdiocese of San Francisco

Guide to Holding a Flocknote Sign-up Sunday

What is Sign-up Sunday?

Flocknote makes it easy for pastors, office staff, and ministry leaders to email and text their flocks.  It’s helpful to have a weekend once a year to make sure that the people in your pews are being kept in the loop with Flocknote.  During Flocknote Sign-up Sunday, we ask the pastors to walk their parishioners through the steps to signup with your parish’s Flocknote service so that the people in your pews can be kept in-the-loop!

What do I need to do?

The first step is to find a weekend on the calendar when the pastor or associate pastor can walk people through this exercise.  The pastor may want to check out this resource to plan his pitch.  It may be helpful to have a few volunteers available at Mass to walk through the aisles just in case someone needs some help.  Confirmation students and offertory collectors are usually willing to help!

The week before, it’s helpful if the pastor reminds everyone in pew to “bring your phones to Mass next week!  I’ll tell you why next week!”

Execute and Follow up!
Finally, it’s time to show everyone how to sign up with Flocknote. Below, you’ll find resources like a pulpit script and video example of what this announcement should look and sound like. Come Monday or Tuesday, it would be helpful for the pastor to send a Flocknote message out to welcome all the new subscribers.

How it’s done!

Watch this video to see an example of how the pastor can encourage people to sign up with Flocknote.

Download PDF Script

Download DOC Script (editable)

How to download customized Flocknote fliers and sign-up cards

And other resources for your website, bulletin, and more!